Monitor Tour

[ Monitor Tour]
Wajima is a small city, blessed with abundant nature, historical places, crafts, museum, temples ,shrines and others.

*Walking Tour* Conducted by “Wajima Akaribito Club”.

Discover “Wajima” with a local tour guide who can organize your trip, with recommended travel routes and sites.

Akari Wajima
Tourist information club
1-1 Marine town
Wajima city
928-008 Ishikawa ken
More info: See: Noto Wajima Tourist Information Portal Site.
Tel: 080-8698-2184 Fax. 0768-23-0032


  1. 轮岛《袖ヶ浦》

  2. Seafoam/Nami no hana

  3. “轮岛海女采捞技术”被指定为日本国家重要无形民俗文化财产

  4. 日本最早的电动节能环保迷你车-轮岛WA-MO

  5. 轮岛大祭 8月22日.23日.24日.25日

  6. Tarumi no Taki

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