Historical Masterpieces/Winter Annual Festival 2020

Knowing and appreciating “The lacquerwares in Wajima Noto Peninsula”. Have you ever seen and touch a hand -made wajima lacquer?

Hurry! Lucky Bags on sale! Free admission! Place: Wajima Culture Hall

Time:10:00~5:00 Until Sunday Feb. 16th

We have almost 60 workshops in Wajima. Some shops accepts visitors. We can help you to make an arrangement. Hurry and purchase a piece for yourself or a gift for your family and friends!


  1. Wajima nuri craftman

  2. 萩市·轮岛市姐妹都市缔结30年举办记念物产展

  3. 轮岛车站(道之驿)咨询中心

  4. 轮岛观光咨询中心年末年始营业时间调整

  5. 日本传统美和技术的世界第26届重要无形文化财产保持团体作品展…

  6. This project was made by skill…

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